No Justice, No Peace

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As an African American woman, it saddens me to think that my unborn son does not have a chance in this world. I want him to be able to do whatever his heart desires. But every time he is not in my sight I fear that I will never see him again. I am personally effected but the “No Verdict” decision the jury decided on because I feel as though the African American population will never be equal. We are the land of the free, but are we really free? Seems to me like we are animals awaiting to be put down. My heart aches for the family of Mike Brown and every other family who has lost their loved ones to police brutality. I attend school in the nation’s capitol and do not feel protected. Justice was not served! How many more black men have to die for justice to be served?? Yes I am furious. The people we call for help are the ones killing us. I will never understand this world. That why I always say that I am a “Rich Girl, in a Poor Real” because my dreams and goals are so big but the world is so messed up, it makes it hard for me to prosper. This is just my stance on the issue at hand, everyone is entitled to their own opinion! #NoJusticeNoPeace #ripmikebrown

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